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HGH Treatment for Men
I have been using Human Growth Hormone for over 6 six months and the results are nothing short of amazing. Before HGH, my muscles were flabby, I had no energy and little recovery from work outs .

HGH Treatment for Women
With menopause my skin became dry,  my weight gain was out of control and my libido was almost gone. I have taking HGH for 4 months and already I see a big difference in my skin, weight loss and sex drive.
Growth Hormone Treatment for HGH Deficiency
I started an HGH Therapy Program and now my body is more fit, and my muscles are bigger and stronger. My treatments include Testosterone and my sex drive has increased as well as my energy and drive.

What is HGH, the Human Growth Hormone

Recombinant Growth Hormone is HGH that is synthesized in the lab. It is a biosynthetic hormone that is identical to natural human growth hormone and is known as Bio-Identical Somatropin. Creating recombinant human growth hormone (HGH) in the lab required scientists to accurately duplicate this complex 191 amino acid hormone using rDNA technology. Scientists from the major drug companies raced to produce the 191 amino acid HGH in a test tube. Recombinant Human Growth Hormone (rDNA Somatropin) is now manufactured and sold by leading drug companies. The most popular HGH brands are Humatrope, Genotropin, Omnitrope, Saizen and Norditropin. When looking for Injectable HGH for Sale it is important to know what you are getting! Contact our Licensed Medical Clinic to speak with an HGH Specialist about HGH Hormone Replacement Therapy.

HGH is a peptide hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland in the brain. Human Growth Hormone enhances tissue growth by stimulating protein formation. A recombinant (genetically engineered) HGH, called Somatropin, was approved by FDA as a treatment for GHD or Growth Hormone Deficiency.

HGH is Human Growth Hormone, a natural hormone produced in the pituitary gland of the brain. This hormone is considered “The Master” hormone because it controls so many functions. It’s responsible for youth, vitality, energy and many of the health benefits we associate with youth and vitality. Dr. Daniel Rudman’s HGH medical study in the New England Journal Of Medicine demonstrated the ability of HGH - Human Growth Hormone to reverse some of the effects of aging upon the human body. For this reason some Age Management Physicians and Anti-Aging Doctors also refer to HGH as, the "Youth Hormone".

Injectable HGH reduces body fat and improves body composition including increasing lean muscle mass. Dr. Rudmans’s study saw the effects of HGH upon overweight men between the ages of 61 and 80 years of age who were hormone deficient. The men in the HGH study did not alter their personal habits of eating, smoking, or exercise, yet by using Injectable HGH, they lost an average of 14% of their body fat, while gaining an average of 8.8% lean muscle mass. Read more about HGH and Weight Loss. Their skin became firmer and they experienced an increase in bone density. Over all, Human Growth Hormone appeared to reverse the effects of aging by 10-20 years. 

HGH is prescribed and administered by a doctor in the form of injections (Somatropin). You must have a prescription to buy HGH.

This hormone promotes growth in children and plays an important role in adult metabolism, sexual health, body maintenance and repair. The body secretes the hormone in decreasing amounts throughout our lifetimes and a deficiency can occur especially during menopause in women, and Andropause in men. The amount of hormone in the body can be measured by levels of IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor). Growth Hormone has an effect on all the cells and tissues in the body, because the hormone is a cell generator and re-generator. HGH helps build lean muscle mass and reduce adipose fatty tissue resulting in improved metabolism. Learn more about HGH, Body Composition and How Growth Hormone Works.

Human Growth Hormone is the “master hormone”, controlling many organs and body functions and is directly responsible for stimulating tissue repair, cell replacement, brain function, sexual desire, glucose synthesis and enzyme function. It is the human growth hormone that grows the cells, bones, muscles, and organs, and it is the decreasing level of human growth hormone after age 20 that slowly robs us of our “youth.” 

While many Age Management Physicians, Growth Hormone Specialists and Anti-Aging Doctors consider HGH the answer to many age related health problems and hormonal symptoms, mainstream medicine and Endocrinologists now prescribe HGH as hormone replacement therapy. If you are a middle-aged or aging man or women, and think you may benefit from hormone replacement therapy, contact a hormone specialist for more information regarding medically-supervised HRT using bio-identical medical HGH. Many HRT programs that treat menopause and Andropause incorporate growth hormone, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, HCG, DHEA, Sermorelin and other hormone treatments to address the sins and symptoms of age-related hormone decline. To learn more about HGH and Aging, visit the HGH and Aging Adults.

AGHD (Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency). A deficiency of HGH or low natural growth hormone levels is usually experienced in middle age, during menopause in women and Andropause in men. While pituitary failure is a common cause of HGH insufficiency, age-related decline is one of the most common causes of this hormonal imbalance. For these patients, Human Growth Hormone for sale online is available. Somatropin is a prescription drug medication available legally with a doctor's prescription to be used for Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. It is prescribed to adults suffering from hormonal symptoms to replace natural growth hormone production in the body.

Natural Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is produced by the pituitary gland. The bio-identical growth hormone somatropin is identical to natural HGH 191 amino acid peptide molecular structure the body can use. Patients diagnosed with a hormone deficiency of HGH can benefit from Somatropin Injection Therapy by purchasing FDA-Approved brand names such as Norditropin® , Humatrope® , Omnitrope® , Genotropin® , Saizen® , Norditropin Pens, MiniQuick Pen, HumatroPen, OmnitroPen and Tev-Tropin.

Benefits of Using Growth Hormone

Patients who buy Somatropin HGH injections online for HRT receive the health benefits of having normal HGH levels circulating in their body. These health benefits include cell growth and regeneration, normal body maintenance, healing and repair, as well as proper metabolic function and sexual health. Read more about the positive health effects of using HGH.  Growth hormone is considered a "stress hormone" that raises the concentration of blood sugar (glucose) and free fatty acids increasing energy and stamina, enhancing mood, increasing sex drive and potency, and also stimulating production of IGF-1, the beneficial growth factor the ensure proper tissue and bone growth. Somatropin, is the recombinant form of HGH produced with rDNA technology, and used by Endocrinologists and hormone specialists as a prescription drug to treat adult growth hormone deficiency.

Getting Growth Hormone Online

Genuine Growth Hormone used for HGH Therapy is known as Somatropin. You can only buy Somatropin HGH with a valid doctor's prescription. In some cases, a patient cannot qualify or is not a good candidate for Human Growth Hormone treatment and their hormone physician may prescribe an HGH alternative such as Sermorelin Injections. Sermorelin is not Growth Hormone, but is instead, an HGH Releasing Agent (GHRH) or "HGH Booster" that stimulates the body to increase its own natural production of the hormone. 

Qualifying for an HGH Treatment Program

To qualify for an HGH Program using real Human Growth Hormone, you will need to follow strict procedures required for enrolling in a Hormone Replacement Therapy program using authentic prescription-grade growth hormone (Somatropin). You can only purchase HGH legally with an Rx.
How to qualify for HGH Therapy?
  1. Obtain a blood test to measure your current hormone levels.
  2. Obtain a physical examination to ensure you are healthy enough to use Growth Hormone.
  3. Undergo a complete medical evaluation to determine if your HGH levels are deficient and hormonal symptoms require HGH Treatment.
  4. Receive a diagnoses for Growth Hormone Deficiency and doctor's prescription for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy using injectable HGH.

How much does HGH cost?

How much do HGH injections cost?
HGH Injections are a expensive drug. Genuine growth hormone in the form of Somatropin is the most effective form of HGH Replacement Therapy. The cost of this type of medical hormone treatment can from $800 and up to $3,000 per month depending on the dosage prescribed, the drug delivery system selected such as HGH Pen devices, and the HGH brand name Somatropin. USA Brand name Human Growth Hormone manufacturers make a variety of Somatropin Pen devices and very fine needles. Read more about HGH Pens Online.

To get more Human Growth Hormone information, including Somatropin pricing, HGH Therapy Cost, discount Growth Hormone Therapy Program pricing, hormone testing, get an HGH Doctor consultation, or for injectable HGH Orders Online, contact our Growth Hormone Treatment Clinic at  1-877-736-7761

Feel free to call us, or a Hormone Treatment Specialist will be glad to receive your HGH Info Request by email and contact you.
HGHTreatmentClinic.com, the leading HGH supplier for USA Patients needing Somatropin and HGH prescription refills at the lowest price.

FDA-Approved, pure 100% Human Growth Hormone is the best Pharmacy-Grade Somatropin HGH you will find on the USA market.

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